After my recent trip to Mexico City (recent as in I’m writing this from seat 7C on my return flight because I’m so excited to share), I’m convinced it’s the perfect destination for those who want to travel internationally but can’t spend a week out of the office or drain their savings account. I visited Mexico City on a work trip earlier this year, and after two days of gazing out of a conference room window at the endless expanse of the city, I knew I had to return ASAP to explore… and get some tacos.
So, let’s just get this out of the way because I’m sure it’s the first thing that comes to mind:
Is Mexico City safe?
YES. I know that Mexico has not always been portrayed as the safest tourist destination, and it’s honestly a shame. It’s such an incredible country that offers so many unique experiences not far from home. You can treat Mexico City like you would any other large city – stick to the safer touristy areas and know which neighborhoods to avoid. I never once felt unsafe on my trip, even walking around at night as two small 20-something females. Yes, there are some unsafe places in Mexico even for the locals, but Mexico City is NOT one of them.
Now that we have that cleared up, here’s my 8 reasons to visit Mexico City.

1. It’s great for your budget
Breakfast for $2? A 30-minute Uber ride for $6? A beautiful AirBNB for $40? Those are just some of the super cheap prices we paid while in Mexico City. The average cost of a roundtrip flight to Mexico City looks to be just under $400, but if you’re flexible I’m sure you could find it for even less. Compared to other international destinations where flights could run you closer to $1,000 and hotels closer to $100+, just the logistics of getting to and staying in Mexico City costs you SO much less. Add in the super cheap food and transportation costs, and you have money freed up to experience the city to its fullest.
2. It’s close to home (for my U.S.-based readers)

Although I know part of the appeal of traveling is getting far away from home, Mexico City’s historic streets will have you feeling like you’ve traveled much farther away than a few hour flight. Depending on where you’re starting from, you’re looking at less than half a day of travel time (4 hours for me from Chicago). When most of us have limited vacation time, spending an entire day or more traveling to far-off destinations is not always ideal. With less time in the air, you can spend more time enjoying your trip and take a couple less vacation days while you’re at it.
3. The weather is comfortable year-round
Did you expect Mexico City to be a hot and humid desert climate like other parts of the country? I was surprised to learn it’s actually super mild and comfortable, even in the dead of summer. On average, summers rarely exceed 80 degrees. At the time of my trip in late August, we enjoyed mid-70s temps with low humidity, and the nights even got a little chilly. Shorts by day and a cozy sweater by night? That’s my kind of place.
4. The history and architecture

Did you know Mexico City was built on a lake and is sinking 8 inches per year – leaving many of the buildings leaning? Me either. My favorite thing to do when starting out in any new city is to hop on a free walking tour to actually learn about the place I’m wandering through. I can appreciate a city and its culture so much more when I actually know the history behind it. Mexico City was no exception. I won’t give you a history lesson here, but I will tell you it’s worth seeing and learning about in person.
5. The food, of course

Street food on every corner and trendy rooftop restaurants galore, I think anyone would have a hard time NOT enjoying the food Mexico City has to offer. Of course the authentic Mexican food and margaritas are a must, but I also had the best chicken Caesar salad I’ve ever had in my life – proving that the food in Mexico City is just plain better. And don’t forget those super cheap prices!
6. The many things to do
Climb a pyramid, take a colorful “gondola” ride, visit the home of Frida Kahlo or attend a “luche libre” wrestling match – where else can you enjoy all of this within (or near) one city? There’s plenty to do inside or just outside of the city no matter sparks your interest. You’ll need a few days to try it all, but Mexico City is the perfect place for some new experiences (seriously, attend a Mexican wrestling match).
7. Did I mention the shopping?

I’ll be the first to admit I’m not big on spending time shopping on my trips, but in Mexico City I just couldn’t resist. We spent hours walking around the local markets and picking up affordable jewelry, art and home decor. Mexico City also has some super trendy clothing stores and although you can find many of them in the U.S., their selections are just so much better. I may or may not have come home with a few new outfits.
8. There’s so much to learn
I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that there’s a number of people who have a really unfair view of Mexico and its people. Spend any amount of time in Mexico City and I’m willing to bet you’ll see the country in a whole new light. Myself and those I know who have traveled to Mexico City have pretty much always fallen in love with the culture and the people, and I think learning more about the world and appreciating those in it is one of the best reasons to travel.
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