Love them or hate them, long flights are a necessity to get to the coolest destinations around the world. Airplane seats are uncomfortable (unless you’re flying first class, in which case, sponsor me?), but flying prepared will help the time ~fly~ by.

Sleep mask
If you have trouble sleeping on planes, blocking out all of the light is a must. Especially when your neighbor turns their reading light on while you’re trying to fall asleep. You can get this super soft sleep mask on Amazon.
Neck pillow
Travel pillows come in all shapes and sizes, so find one that works for you. Make sure it snaps closed so you can clip it on your bag to carry through the airport. I’ve tested both memory foam and microbead pillows – memory foam pillows are the clear winner.
Travel blanket
After shivering for 15 hours on a flight to Australia, I always prepare myself for the possibility of a freezing cabin. Most blankets are big and bulky, so a compact travel blanket is a must.
Sleep aid
I typically use melatonin, but it can be hit or miss, so you might want to test out some options. Bonus: you can also use it to beat jet lag when you get to your destination.
Entertain & charge
Charging case or battery pack
Even if your plane has in-seat power, there’s a chance your outlet doesn’t work. Fun fact: If everyone on the plane is using their outlet, it’s basically roulette of which outlets will work. The plane isn’t designed to power every outlet at once. So, if you plan on using your phone at all during the flight, make sure you have another source of power.
I swear by my charging case from Casely. It’s a lot sleeker than other battery cases I’ve seen and can recharge your phone up to 100%. Also, unlike most charging cases, you don’t have to remember to charge it separately – keep the case on when you plug your phone in and it’ll charge the case with it.
Bringing headphones is probably a no-brainer, but remember that it’s likely your flight will have seatback entertainment screens to plug into. If you use wireless headphones or don’t have headphones that plug into a traditional jack (AKA if you have a newer iPhone), you’ll be stuck using the uncomfortable headphones the flight attendant hands out. It’s not the end of the world, but we’re talking about comfort here.
I love my Beats Solo3 wireless headphones (even if they’re so 2008), and I just make sure to bring the cable with me on the flight. If you use AirPods, just grab an old pair of ear buds you have lying around from before cords became uncool.
If you plan to watch anything on your phone, use a PopSocket to prop it up on the tray table.
Entertainment (downloaded for offline use)
If you have Spotify, Netflix, or the Podcast app, you can download music, movies, tv shows, and podcasts to watch or listen to inflight. Make sure you do this at home while connected to WiFi. If you wait until you’re on the plane to start downloading entertainment (I’m guilty), you probably won’t have enough time.
Layering up your travel outfit serves multiple purposes. You’ll be prepared no matter the temperature on the plane, you get to conserve space in your luggage by wearing your bulkiest items, and you’ll be dressed to get on the flight in one climate and get off in another.
My go-to travel outfit for longer flights usually consists of leggings or (comfy) jeans, a t-shirt, sweatshirt, and jacket (thickness depending on the time of year). A long cardigan or blanket scarf are also good options that can double as a blanket. You can always remove layers if you get too warm.
If your airport shoe of choice doesn’t require socks, be sure to bring some to keep warm on the plane.
Skin cleansing wipes
If you’ve ever taken a long flight, you know that need-to-shower-immediately feeling by the end of it. Since you can’t always hop in the shower as soon as you get to your destination, cleansing wipes can help hold you over until then.
Lip balm
I never go anywhere without chapstick in tow, especially on a flight. I’ve probably tried every type of lip balm and I swear by Lypsyl. Plane air is super dry, so be sure to keep yourself hydrated. Bring a small travel size lotion if dry skin drives you crazy.
Do everyone a favor and reapply during your flight.
Keep your breath fresh too. Be sure to bring a travel-sized toothpaste.
Don’t forget
Be prepared when they start passing those entry forms around.
Keep all of these together where they can be easily accessed. You’ll need to know your passport information when filling out the entry forms.
Always keep any medication you use with you at all times. You may want to pack some extra medications for headaches, allergies, and nausea as well.
Packing it up
I always pack all of these items together in a backpack that I keep under the seat in front of me. If you’ll only have a bag in the overhead bin, just make sure anything you need to take out is packed at the top so you can find it easily. Be sure to keep all of your toiletry items together in their own bag – lotions or other liquids can easily spill, so I usually keep those in a ziplock.
By the way, this is the exact backpack I use on shorter trips when I travel with only a backpack. When I do bring carry-on luggage, I switch back to my much trendier Herschel.
Safe travels!
Read more of my top air travel tips here.
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